Cable box response "Nah, the t.v is off, they went out dancing!"
A Very Special Secret was revealed at La milonguita Ideal on Oscar night and scores of tanqueros turned up to share it. Eschewing the red carpet for the red curtains they roundly affirmed their affinity for being the stars on their own stage rather than the audience for another's. Ko's (a surefire nominee for best musical arrangement(er) - D.J) masterfully executed an extended musical score that delicately modulated the tremendous energy that was everpresent that night.
Not to be outdone Adam and Cieko lit up the intermission with the Very Special suprise, a commanding performance that earned them both top nods.

On a night filled with winners the top award, the envelope (thinly disguised as a free entry ticket), went to Milonguero Jim Gucciardo. With a wonderful partner, great companionship and a healthy dose of milongas Jim had many reasons to smile that night, Congratulations to both him and Linda and a warm send off to B.A.

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